Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1 month old

Wow time flies! Miller went to her 1 month old appointment and received a glowing report. She topped the scales at 10 lbs and 13 oz and was 22 inches long. We officially have a little chunk our hands! Miller also started smiling more and has been really getting more active during the day. She loves her play mat!

Time to catch up

So in an effort to catch the blog up I think this will be one big entry for the last few weeks of Miller's life. So week 2 &3 took daddy back to work which left mommy home. Fortunately my mom was able to stay with me for 2 additional weeks to help me out. Mom was great. She cooked and cleaned and took Miller so I could get rest. I was able to even get my hair done one day. My mom left when Miller was 3 weeks and 1 day and it was super hard to see her leave. I must confess I even cried when we left her at the airport. I've never been a hugely emotional person but now that I have a daughter I find myself a bit more emotional. I have recently kidded with my mom that it sure would be nice if they lived closer. I actually wasn't kidding and I do hope Miller will be able to grow up closer to both sets of her grandparents
During week 2 and 3 Miller began holding her head up. She is certainly strong and was able to keep her head up for several seconds at a time. We occasionally saw her smile but I'm pretty sure it was mostly due to gas
Now on to week 4. Mommy and Miller were home alone...aghhh...boy was there lots to do. Somehow I figured it out and I don't think Tim and I missed any meals and we had clean clothes! I think I am starting to get the hang of this! Miller and I ventured out several times and I certainly am getting an arm workout each time I load her in my car. I guess I am finally realizing having a convertible I not the most practical car to have with a baby!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week One- Lots of visitors!

Miller had lots of visitors her week of life including: Grandma and Grandpa Tubb, Uncle John, Aunt Amy, cousin John Evan, cousin Abby, Great Uncle Rob and Sandy! Everyone loved her and had there very own special moments with the little girl. Something that is very cool is Miller shares her birthday with her big cousin Abby. Guess we will have to have twice as much cake now on July 1st!  Miller certainly enjoyed all her extra snuggles with her family.
Week one was very tough for mommy and Miller. Mommy had great difficulty feeding Miller and when we went for our first pediatrician appointment, Miller had lost too much weight. Our doctor, Dr Matthews sent us to a lactation consultant immediately. I was very adamant that I wanted to breastfeed and the doctor was very supportive but if Miller and I were going to be successful we needed a lot of help. So off Mommy, Daddy, and Miller went. We had an awesome experience with the lactation consultant and after 2 consultations, Miller had gained all her weight back. So we returned to the pediatrician when she was one week old and Miller got a glowing report. Guess Miller is just as determined as her mommy is.
Here are a few pictures of Miller at week one

Coming home from the hospital

My first bath, I hated it, but now I really love them!

My Cousin Abby (we share the same birthday)

My cousin John Evan

Grandma and her grands

My brother and I

Grandpa Snuggling with me

Daddy Kisses are the best

our "little frog"

Riley the babysitter

Her first shopping trip!

the kids and grands!

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 1, 2011

Today was the day Tim and I will never forget!

So as a continuation from the last post, Tim and I arrived at the hospital around 6am. We met our nurses and the care team that would be helping me. I also met with the doctor who explained the induction procedure. Being induced is a multi-step process so I was prepared by all the staff that there was a very real chance that Baby Girl would not be arriving until quite possible July 2nd. At this point I didn't care...I knew there was an end in sight!
So the steps for induction are as follows:
1) receive 25 mg of Cervidol (suppose to soften the cervix)
2) receive another 75 mg of Cervidol (help with softening and encouraging dilation). The second does is generally given 3-4 hours after the first dose
3) Start receiving Pitocin (actual drug that brings on labor). This is given sveral hours after the last dose of Cervidol

So as you can see this is a pretty lengthy process. Tim and I settled in and started watching Wimbledon, and we just relished the last few moments of peacefulness. Around 8:45 am I was given the fist dose of Cervidol. I really didn't feel any different until around 10:15...oh boy things were changing! I had my first real contraction at 10:15am. Tim was watching the monitor and we were all taking bets on who was going into labor next (we could see what was going on in the other rooms with our monitor). My nurse came in to check on me and she said I see you are having some contractions...yup sure was... but apparently nothing to get too excited over. So a couple hours has come and gone. Around 12:15pm I had to go to the bathroom very badly. I was having lots of pain but was a bit afraid to tell anyone. So after sitting in the bathroom with teas in y eyes I returned to my bed around 12:45pm. The doctor came in to check on me but unfortunately I was told I was still 1cm dilated...WHAT!!!! Anyways the doctor told my parents to go get some lunch as we had a long ways to go, and then my nurse came in again and told me she was going to go get her lunch too. Just as my luck would have it, the minute Tim and I were alone I started experiencing excruciating pain. I started having contractions every few minutes. So around 1pm the charge nurse came to check on me (my nurse was still at lunch) and I told her I was in tons of pain and wanted some medicine. Within the next few minutes my nurse comes into the room and says...wow I have been watching you have lots of contractions.I told her I wanted some medicine as the pain was becoming more intolerable. At this point they went ahead and called for my doctor (Dr. Arluck) as well as the anesthesiologist. It was now closer to 1:15pm. Dr Arluck arrived and was amazed and said  I was now 9cm dilated. At that point my water broke and I knew this baby was coming soon! The anesthesiologist showed up but it was too late to get an epidural and I started pushing. A side note I was really scared about the epidural and prayed God would help me get through the pain without one and he did just that! My mom also walked in the room after lunch and the doctor told her "a lot has happened since you left" I motioned for my mom to stay and she came to the bedside. Tim helped me remain calm and I focused on him the entire time...I am so thankful for my best friend and love him more and more each day! Well after 30 minutes of pushing....Miller Joyce Harcourt was born at 1:45pm on July 1st! Everyone was surprised at how quickly she came and I never actually went through the whole induction process.
Bliss had arrived and Tim and I were in love!
Here are a few pictures of me waiting for Miller and of Tim and I meeting Miller for the first time
 waiting patiently
 showing my contractions
 7lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long!
 meeting daddy
 meeting mommy and daddy
 meeting grandpa
 meeting grandma

 Daddy and Mommy call these Frodo toes

so sweet and beautiful!

Time for lots of updates!!

Induction Date- June 30th, 2011

Well as many of you know my induction date did not go as planned. Tim and I went out for a nice dinner before we were suppose to head to the hospital. We had called ahead of time and the hospital was pretty busy. The charge nurse said she would call me closer to my time which was 7:30 to update me on the bed situation. As you can guess I was pretty upset because at this point I was DONE with being pregnant. Well to make a long story short we never heard from the nurse so we decided to head to the hospital anyways and see if the little girl was on her on her way! After several hours of being there and with no change in my progress (I was still 1cm dilated- just like I had been for 3 weeks!) I was sent home and told to return early the next morning. I must confess I cried the whole way home. I tried to get a little sleep, but honestly  I felt like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to arrive, so not much sleep was had. Well Tim and I woke up around 4:30am on July 1st and called the hospital. The nurse had a room ready for me and told us to go have a nice breakfast as it was going to be a long day. So Tim and I were off to one of our favorite restaurants...Waffle House! I ate a huge breakfast as I thought this may be my last meal for sometime!

Here are pictures of me of Tim and I on my actual due date and the last picture is of us on our original induction date!

 Wow I sure was huge!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Overcooked! 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant!

I find myself saying this a lot these days, "Yes I am still pregnant!" I know everyone means well but it is so frustrating to get asked the question 25 times a day! So as I write this for all the inquiring minds, "Yes I am still pregnant!"
I know I have not updated in some time so I am not sure exactly where I left off. But in the last few weeks not much has changed with the impending arrival of baby Girl. The only thing that has changed is that I am more and more uncomfortable each day. To give you the latest update, I went to the doc on my due date hoping to hear some good news, like we need to go ahead and check you in as you are in labor...but no such luck! In fact Tim will tell you I cried when they told me I had not made much progress. Baby Girl is proving to be stubborn much like her mommy! So we all talked about next options. Of course I was ready to schedule an induction that day but after the doctor explained to me that this would not be the best advice (chances of having a C-Section are greater) I ultimately took his advice and we decided to wait. However he did go ahead and schedule me for an induction at 7:30pm on June 30th if she has not made her grand entrance by then. I was measuring 40 1/2 weeks on Friday so she will be close to 42 weeks in growth by the end of this week and the chances of having a C-section are greatly reduced. Tim and I are holding out hat she may come on her own so please send positive labor vibes!
To keep my mind busy this weekend, I went swimming and even hit a few golf balls at the driving range. Tim and I also had a great date night. We visited our old stomping ground, the Virginia Highlands for dinner, and then rewarded ourselves with icecream afterwards! This will be the last date night we have before we have children, becasue next Saturday we will be a family of 3 plus a Riley!
So it's back to work I go as working keeps my mind busy as well. We will keep you all posted as to when Baby Girl arrives! I will update some pics tonight too!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The phrase I can't stand to hear...

At least you don't have to be pregnant in the summer! Well I have news for you summer has arrived in Atlanta. In fact the high for tomorrow (June 1st) is 97 degrees! So if you ask me I sure am enduring some brutal heat. Due to heat I have been pretty exhausted when I get home each day and my poor feet are so swollen that they look like pig feet to me! I Sure can't wait for all the swelling to go down!
I also thought I would let you know that I have started experiencing what they call Braxton Hicks contractions. These are the contractions that help my body get ready for labor so the good news is Baby Girl will hopefully make her appearance soon. I will officially be considered full term on Friday of this week and at that point I am homebound! I am trying to get all the laundry done and the nursery set up in the next week so that when baby Girl arrives there will be no worries. I have been told that shortly before a new mom goes into labor she will feel a burst of energy to get things in order...well I guess you could say, I have not exactly had that burst of energy yet!
I go to the doc again this week and hope to find out my Strep results and will also find out if I am showing any signs of early labor so until then I hope everyone stays cool in this brutal heat!